Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Setting one's self free

A friend of mine gave me a book a few years ago. It was a parting-time-thanks-giving kind of gift. And for some time, the book has been a constant companion to me. I bring it to the office, when i commute, when i take a snack and even when i wait in line at the ATM booth (hustling while waiting huh?)
The book just got me hooked. It did so because it "talked" about something i find hard to do: forgiving. Yup. That was the subject of the book seen ubiquitously with me at one point in time. I guess the child in me got fascinated with the thought of learning to become a more forgiving person. That is why i delved into the book.

I have to admit the book had a profound effect on me. Being an improvement-seeker type of person, the book made me realize that i am withholding and shutting myself off from opportunities to become a better individual when i do not forgive. Why? Because unforgiveness imprisons me in the past and locks out potentials for change. Unforgiveness will only make me yield to the control of another (the enemy or wrong doer) and doom myself to suffer the consequences of the wrong. The bottom line is this: i am a loser when i do not forgive. And that is a sad truth that most of us do not see.

As a pilgrim roaming here on earth, i know i will be making my way out of forests, valleys, desserts etc. I also know i will be weathering storms, drizzles, droughts and the like. And in the course of my travelling, there will be times when i have to climb mountains. But how can i make it to the summit if i am being worn down by the heavy weights of grudges and resentments? I will get easily tired of climbing with extra baggages on my back. Right?

It will be a futile effort for a person to achieve happiness when he does not forgive. It's like trying to dry up an ocean using a mobile (it has to be in this case) electric fan. (what an analogy!) hehehe. :-) I want to quote something i read in the book:

.."When we genuinely forgive, we set a prisoner free and then discover that the prisoner we set free was us"..

So much for the musings my friends.
I just want to thank you for dropping by my blog :-)
Welcome to my turf and my stuff :-)

Be blessed. And be a blessing.

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