Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Noble job

Any job when performed in the best way possible, for me is a noble one. In connection to this, i find it very fortunate that i have not just a noble job, but also a fulfilling one: clinical perfusionist.  The work that i do (together with the cardiac team) creates ripples of effetcs and changes in the lives of many. The easily fatigable child who can not engage much in play because of a congenital heart defect can fully maximize his potentials once a corrective surgery is done on him using cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Then that once sick child can go on with life and become anybody he wants to be. (Reminds me of an olympic energy drink advert) :-)

Just like what i have written earlier, I work as a part of the surgical team that do cardiac surgeries. Together with the surgeon, anesthesiologist and the nurse, the perfusionist makes it possible for an open heart surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) to be carried out. I am currently employed at the premiere cardiovascular training center in the Philippines, the Heart Center.

My main responsibility is to support the physiologic and metabolic needs of the patient undergoing CPB. I achieve this by utilizing the heart-lung machine and its components like the oxygenator, arterial filter and tubing lines. The heart lung machine contains the roller pump that substitutes for the heart while on CPB. The oxygenator (as the name implies) is the substitute for the lungs of the patient. And the tubing lines act as the blood vessel extensions. All of these components form a sterile, closed system circuit in which blood and medications pass through to allow the surgeon to operate on a non-beating heart.

Above is an example photo of how an open heart surgery is being carried out. The anesthesiologist is on the head part of the patient (making sure that the patient is sufficiently paralyzed and asleep), the surgeon/s and the nurse/s are directly in the operating field and the perfusionist is nearby, behind the surgeon and/or assistant surgeon. In front of us is the heart lung machine set up.

Below is the group shot of the perfusionists of the Philippine Heart Center. We are inside the operating room in this shot.

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